Patient introduction, recovery course prior to PLASOMA
A 69-year-old female had a foot ulcer on her toe since July 2021. She has quite bad neuropathy on the soles of her feet and palms of her hand (peripheral neuropathy – a side effect of chemotherapy). She also receives medical help for Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus). The wound was caused by a tiny scratch and because of the underlying venous insufficiency became worse. She was seen by a vascular surgeon to measure the extent of her venous insufficiency. She later had an angioplasty to improve the blood flow to her legs. The stents in her pelvis helped, but the veins in her legs were too small to put stents in successfully. In January 2022 her toe was amputated. The surgical wound after amputation struggled to heal. She went for hyperbaric oxygen therapy to try and heal the wound. In April 2022 she was advised to consider an amputation of the lower leg. She started PLASOMA treatment on 7 April with the hope that the wound would close.
Results and frequency PLASOMA cold plasma treatment
• PLASOMA cold plasma treatment: once a week. 6 Cold plasma treatments in total.
• Wound closed in 8 weeks.

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